THE Centre for Professional Development is on the move.

Due to increasing levels of demand for their skills development programmes, the CPD has announced that it is relocating to larger offices in the Rodbourne area of Swindon.

CPD director Charlotte Mannion said: "In the past 12 months we have developed a number of new programmes focusing on delivering high quality skills development programmes for the managers and staff of small and medium sized companies.

"We have also increased the work we do with the principals and staff of business support agencies.

"At the same time we are finding that coaching and mentoring are becoming increasingly popular vehicles for developing the skills of key individuals.

"As a result we have increased our head count of coaches, associates and support staff and have outgrown our existing office space."

CPD's seven-day manager programme has proved to be particularly popular with managers and would-be managers.

Delivered over seven weeks, one day a week, the course considers a different management issue on each occasion topics include delegation, team motivation and time management.

A programme is due to start in Trowbridge at the end of September and again in Swindon in October.

For all enquiries please contact Jackie Dicks on 01793-554711, further information about CPD's range of programmes can be found on