MOTORISTS are being warned to avoid buying documents claiming to be International Driving Licences.

The documents proclaim themselves as official but are valueless.

An inquiry by the Department of Trade and Industry's companies Investigations Branch revealed that up to 4,000 of the documents have been sold by a London-based company, Daryadel Enterprises Ltd. They cost £450.

The licences indicate that they are issued by the "United Nations International Drivers' Association".

They also include a claim to have been endorsed by the US State of Florida.

The licenses purport to entitle people to drive in Great Britain and various other countries.

However, the sale of the licenses has so alarmed the Government that Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson stepped in to issue a warning against them.

She fears that thousands are still being used by unwitting drivers.

The minister said: "All motorists are at risk when something like this happens.

"We have petitioned the High Court to put a stop to it, but people relying on these licences should stop driving immediately.

"Motorists driving in Great Britain without a valid licence risk prosecution.

" They may also find that their insurance is void."

The DTI probe revealed that the company advertised the licences in newspapers aimed at members of ethnic minorities.

Most applicants were from Iran, Iraq and Turkey.

Motorists who suspect they may have bought one of these documents are advised that they are not valid for driving in Great Britain.

Information about driving in this country as a visitor or new resident is available on the DVLA website.

The site can be found at