WE wish to raise public awareness that the cruel trade of live export of lambs has started up again.

Nearly 2,500 lambs were exported from Dover in the early hours of July 15.

They were herded on to the notorious live export ship, Caroline, the subject of massive local protest in 1995.

The lambs were destined first for Holland, then most likely onward bound for Italy, France or Spain.

Animals exported live are subject to hot, crowded conditions sometimes lasting up to 72 hours, often with inadequate stops, water or food.

On arrival, there are often animals who have died from exhaustion, for others there can be the prospect of slaughter in conditions which may be both cruel and illegal.

If readers are concerned about the suffering of these young lambs, we urge them to contact the Compassion in World Farming hotline (01730) 237379 or CIWF website www.banliveexports.com without delay.




Bishops Cannings
