THIEVES in Melksham caused thousands of pounds of damage to six cars in a weekend crime spree.

Two cars belonging to employees at Cooper-Avon were first hit on Saturday lunchtime, July 27, between 1pm and 2pm.

CD stereos worth £400 were taken from a BMW and Volkswagen Golf. Both cars were parked on the Bath Road site.

Four vehicles were targeted on Saturday night.

A Vauxhall Cavalier was targeted in Semington Road, close to the site of the old police station.

Archaeological tools and fossils kept in a green canvas bag were stolen from a Vauxhall Astra parked in King Street car-park.

A Ford Sierra and an Austin Van also had front doors stoved in.

PC Bob Laurie said: "Four of the cars were hit at around the same time on Saturday night. We are urging people to be security conscious and always lock doors and keep valuables out of sight.

"There was a bit of a spree at the weekend but we are continuing with our investigations."