With reference to the letter from Ian and Gill Cardy in last week's edition, it's good to see points of concern now being openly aired for everyone to consider.

With the consultation process starting in earnest in two months or so I would urge everyone with questions or concerns to raise these points now so they can be discussed responsibly and enable judgements to be made based on sound information.

Restoration of the Wilts & Berks is well underway and will soon become a major British Waterways project.

The people of Melksham have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to decide if the Melksham link should come through the town or pass it by and I do hope they will consider the wider picture and not be put off by the thought of changes that may be necessary and the inevitable temporary disruption.

Questions or concerns can be addressed to me at Melksham Town Hall or e-mailed to melkshamscanal@blueyonder.co.uk

Colin Goodhind,

Melksham Town Councillor.