PLEASE thank your readers on behalf of the children suffering the after effects of the Chernobyl disaster, who visited us earlier in the year for their wonderful kindness.

The children took home enough multivitamins for them and their siblings for almost a full year.

The children all had a holiday of a lifetime thanks to the people, organisations in the local community and their host families.

Our next group of children is due to arrive with us on August 16 and plans are well ahead for their visit.

Should anyone wish to host children please telephone Anne on (01373) 827799.

It is an experience that is so wonderful it is difficult to put into words.

Others have described it as an experience of a lifetime and children who have shared their parents for a month have been known to ask when the next children are arriving as soon as the first visitors to the family home have gone home.

Some of us now have extended families in Belarus.

Thank you again for the help of both your newspaper and the community of west Wiltshire.



West Wiltshire Link, Chernobyl Children Life Line.