BREAKDANCER Banksy showed off his street moves at the Freshers Fair for full-time students of Swindon College.

The dance is being offered as one of the options available to new students on Wednesday afternoons, which is set aside for sport.

Banksy, who refused to reveal his full name, is 33 and is employed by Swindon Dance where he already teaches breakdance.

Now he will be showing Swindon College students how to spin their stuff.

He said: "Street dancing is very challenging. It's a great work out for the muscles and really good for you.

"Anybody can have a go, I'm not very big but I can hold my body weight.

"I'll take the students through the four different styles from breakdance, lockin, body popping and pop locking.

"I teach through set routines that they can learn. When you breakdance it is on the level of the floor and they'll learn head or back spins which they can go away and practice."