PARLIAMENT should be recalled to allow an emergency debate on possible war with Iraq, according to South Swindon MP Julia Drown.

She has added her voice to the growing number of backbench MPs calling for Tony Blair to let the House of Commons discuss the issue.

But Ms Drown's Labour colleague Michael Wills, MP for North Swindon, says he is happy to wait until the scheduled resumption of Commons debates on October 15.

Ms Drown said many of her constituents have expressed concern about the Iraq situation.

And she said she is keen to see the dossier of evidence which Mr Blair says proves Iraq has developed weapons of mass destruction which it is prepared to use.

She said: "I have heard a lot of concerns from constituents so I would welcome any move to have those debated in parliament.

"I think there's been enough speculation in the press and enough concerns raised that it would be useful to have it raised at parliamentary level.

"That's not to say that I don't trust what has been going on so far but I can understand people's concern.

"I would agree with a go-slow policy and make sure we pursue all diplomatic channels before any military action is considered.

"Constituents are worried that we are just following America and they don't think that's right."

Mr Wills, a junior Home Office minister, said he did not believe hostilities were likely to start before parliament resumed.

He said: "We have to remember that nothing has happened yet.

"There has been a lot of discussion but no decision.

"I don't think there is any need to recall parliament as long as there is a proper discussion of it if and when there is something concrete to discuss."

Leading figures from both the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties in Swindon have also called for a parliamentary debate on war with Iraq.

Leader of Swindon Council's Conservative group, Mike Bawden (Old Town and Lawns) said: "For a military action involving British forces I think it is right that Parliament be recalled as this is a pre-emptive rather than a retaliatory strike. That's why MPs are elected."

Councillor Mike Evemy (Lib Dem, Eastcott) said: "With the Prime Minister considering military action I think it's right that Parliament is recalled.

"There should be a national debate by those who are elected to take these decisions."

Council leader Kevin Small (Lab, Western) declined to make a comment.