A RIGHT to die with some dignity is a basic human right which at present the British public are being wrongfully denied of.

As a believer in God I am still against the pro-life protest. If, as they say, life is a gift from God, surely God wouldn't want one of his children to suffer the way Diane Pretty or other terminally ill people suffer.

On a personal note, I followed the plight of Diane Pretty with great distress as my own mother was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease last year.

My mother truly believed she had a minor illness, so being diagnosed totally devastated her and our family.

The next four months were pure hell. My mother never left the house once for fear of losing her dignity in front of anyone. In this vulnerable condition she never visited a hospital or hospice and therefore never received any palliative care.

Four months of being unable to swallow resulted in her loosing six stone in weight.

She finally choked to death being unable to swallow, not even her own saliva.

Sometimes I wish the pro-life protesters had been sat watching her choke maybe then they'd feel differently.

Surely in this day and age no-one should be made to suffer in this way. I just hope that, should I be carrying this hereditary disease, before it raises its ugly head Parliament will see sense and legalise voluntary euthanasia.

Louise Gardiner

Boyle Avenue

Lower Compton
