ANOTHER school has been infected by legionella as the bug continues to spread across Wiltshire. Last week, the potentially deadly bacteria, which causes legionnaire's disease, was found in a water system for a disabled shower and toilet at Westbury Infants School.

Routine annual checks on the hot and cold water tanks detected the bug and letters were sent home to parents.

The decision to alert them was sparked by the fatal outbreak of legionnaire's Disease in Barrow-in-Furness.

One parent, who did not wish to be named, said: "I have a son and daughter at the school and I'm very concerned. We do not know how long it has been in there for and I think they should have closed the school until it was sorted out.

"It seems that the bug is popping up everywhere but luckily nobody has been ill yet."

Over the last three weeks, St Laurence secondary school and Fitzmaurice primary school in Bradford on Avon also tested positive along with Canon's House respite care home in Devizes. All the buildings stayed open after health experts advised staff that there was little risk.

The bug was also discovered at John of Gaunt School in Trowbridge during the summer holidays.

All the affected areas are out of bounds and have received chemical and heat treatment to kill off the bacteria.

It could take another week before the all-clear is given.

Dr Bharat Phankhania, consultant in communicable disease control, said: "The legionella bacteria does not represent a significant risk to health unless it is in water that has been aerosolised and then inhaled.

"By isolating facilities that aerosolise water, for example showers, and disinfecting and heat treating the systems the county council have taken all the necessary steps to tackle the situation. It is highly unlikely that anyone is at significant risk."

The LEA has commissioned specialist contractors to undertake a technical assessment of the water systems to determine what action can be taken to reduce further occurrences.

Wiltshire County Council said the flair-up was not uncommon, and expects to find legionella in more Wiltshire schools. They denied that cuts in maintenance budgets led to the outbreaks.

Paul Collyer, the council's health and safety manager, said: "The routine testing is above and beyond the standard expected.

"It is extremely vital we are open and transparent about what we are doing."