ARE you the owner of this shrink-wrapped car photographed on the streets of Swindon?

The turquoise car, rendered unrecognisable by black bin liner plastic, has been parked in Broad Street for the past week.

And local residents are increasingly puzzled by the car, which appeared on April 20.

Afzaal Mahmood, manager of the Halal Meat General Stores in Broad Street, said: "It cannot be a joke because it has been there so long. It has not been given a parking ticket, despite being parked on double yellow lines."

Earlier this month the Evening Advertiser unravelled the mystery of another shrink-wrapped car in Union Row, Old Town.

Terry French, of Zurich Financial Services in Station Road, shrink-wrapped the L-registered green Mini Metro for a practical joke on his work colleague Emily Blowfield.

If you can help us solve the puzzle of this latest shrink-wrapped car, call our newsdesk on Swindon 528144, extension 249.