PETER Mallinson is, of course, correct in stating that most council records are in the public domain (EA April, 21) but his condemnation of my request for more openness and accountability at Swindon Borough Council misses the whole point.

As a taxpayer, Mr Mallinson, I expect to see exactly what I will get for my money. The 30 per cent plus rise in Council Tax in the last two years should be accounted for, not in a legal sense as I am sure that there is no misappropriation but in basic terms that the "apathetic and incompetent" people of Swindon as you describe us will understand.

I recall for example, that in February 2001 the people of Swindon were offered a "menu" driven choice of increases in Council Tax. 7.5 per cent was said to be enough to fund 25 extra teachers or 44 extra street cleaners.

A 10 per cent rise was said to offer an extra 90 home carers, or 133 extra beds for the elderly.

In simplistic terms, Mr Mallinson, what did we get?

And in equally simplistic terms, what did we get for our 15 per cent last year, and what shall we get for the 15 per cent that we will endure this year?

For the Council to state blandly that we shall get X per cent on Education or Social Services is simply not good enough.

We need the Council to be open and accountable, prepared to state what we will get in simple terms, and to report back at the end of each year to state exactly what was achieved, and what was not.

The electorate may well have been apathetic in the past Mr Mallinson, but if, as I suspect, you are the Peter Mallinson who is standing for election as the Labour candidate in the Covingham and Nythe ward, you may well find that apathy is a thing of the past.


Broadmead Walk
