A CHARITY that helps disabled people communicate using computer technology is in urgent need of volunteers.

The Swindon Communication Project Trust SCAMP loans computers and provides IT training for people who are physically disabled or have a sensory impairment.

They want volunteers to teach people basic computer skills in their homes, such as how to send an email and use the Internet.

Many of the people the charity helps have difficulty leaving their homes because of their disabilities.

SCAMP also provides access to a private interactive website which enables people confined to their homes to be in contact with others.

Ken Garrett, 50, and his partner Pauline Turner, 55, have both received training from SCAMP volunteer Mike Boswell.

Ken suffered a stroke 10 years ago and still cannot use his right hand. Pauline has arthritis.

The couple, who live in Ridge Green, Shaw, say the training has opened up another world for them.

Pauline said: "It has been excellent, we really look forward to Wednesday's when Mike visits.

"The stroke affected Ken's speech and his reading. Since we got the computer Ken's reading has definitely improved from using it so much.

"Neither of us can work so it is another thing to occupy us

"I can't use the mouse because of the arthritis but Mike taught me how to use the keys instead.

"Everybody talks about the Internet but we can use it ourselves and keep in touch with people by email."

Their trainer Mike, 66, of Yar-mouth Close, became a volunteer three years ago after retiring as a manager at Anchor Foods.

He said: "I just wanted to put something back into the community and benefit other people with the skills I acquired.

"I just teach people basic things like how to send emails, use the Internet and a bit of word processing.

"I do get a buzz out of it. At the start some people are frightened of even turning a computer on and then they get the hang of it. It is very rewarding."

Jane Smith, an administrator at the charity said that around 550 people in Wiltshire had been helped by the charity since it was set up five years ago.

"We have some clients who are severely disabled, such as one gentleman who has terrible MS and can't even get out of bed.

"We can provide tools depending on a person's disability. If someone has a visual impairment then there is software that can read back what they have typed.

"People with mobility problems can use a device to talk to the computer.

"We are looking for people who like communicating. They can get involved in the technical side of installing equipment or the actual training or both.

"They can devote as little as one and half hours a week or more if they can spare it."

If you can help phone: 01793 484654 or email:

info@ scamp.org.uk
