NEW diseases often lead to fear and panic until that disease is better understood. With the outbreak of SARS Nuri Vittachi was asked by the Hong Kong Government to consider the newest phenomenon and he came up with some interesting ideas:

"There is a dangerous virus spreading through Hong Kong. It is not atypical pneumonia. It is panic. All outbreaks of any high-profile pathogen or disease (cf the UK's MadCow disease) have two major effects. A tiny proportion of people are hit by the disease itself. A large number of people, organisations and entire industry sectors are hit by the panic that accompanies it."

Many medical schools are today acknowledging the spiritual dimension and the power of prayer in healing (Harvard and two universities in Scotland for example) and many are now setting aside funds for research into this aspect of healing.

There is of course nothing new in this, for spiritual healing was an important part of the early Christian Church and is now widely practised by many throughout the world. That great 19th century thinker and healer Mary Baker Eddy wrote in her book Science and Health "Having one God, one Mind, unfolds the power that heals the sick, and fulfils these sayings of Scripture, 'I am the Lord that healeth thee'."

How reassuring it is therefore to know that there is a divine power that can protect and heal us no matter how unknown or fearsome the disease.

Keith F Simpson,

Christian Science Committee on Publication,
