MAY I be allowed to dissect the response to my letter by Peter Berry (EA, April 28).

The pensions disaster resulted from an irresponsible acceptance of Government advice which encouraged those responsible for pension funds to take pension holidays.

Council tax payers in Swindon have been hammered for £40m from the Brunel Centre sale as a result of Wiltshire County Council taking a three-year pension fund holiday.

Similar action has taken place in the private sector.

There is no pensions minister to impose a code of conduct.

Your correspondent states that 'all parties know that the only solution is to either shorten the lives of people receiving pensions, which presumably means an annual cull of senior citizens'.

The claim by Peter Berry that figures provided by BBC online suggest illegal immigrants provide £35bn more in taxes than they receive in benefits should be taken with a pinch of salt.

To this must be added the vast sums of public money siphoned off by the legal profession in legal aid, the cost of security and immigration services fighting a losing battle; accommodation, processing and the return of those who are not accepted.

The damage to race relations of uncontrolled immigration is reported with regularity by all branches of the media.


Beckhampton Street, Swindon