CONGRATULATIONS and thanks to Swindon's lollipop people who were celebrating their Golden Anniversary with Mayor Stan Pajak last week. But there's still a shortage and eight more people are needed.

It's a pity, therefore, that Swindon Council adheres to its discriminatory policies and won't welcome applications from people over 70.

If you are able and willing to do a job competently there's no reason for an employer to impose an artificial upper age limit in recruitment and by 2006 in most cases it will be against the law to do so.

Of course there's no guarantee that anyone of 70 or over wants the job but I suggest the council puts equal opportunities into action now by getting rid of age discrimination and I'd like to hear any justification for not.

I'd be pleased to send readers more information about Age Concern's campaign to tackle age discrimination in society.

Contact me at 14 Milton Road, SN1 5JE or email


Director, Age Concern Swindon