A LONG-RUNNING road naming dispute between Corsham Town Council and developers has finally been resolved.

The problem began when the two parties could not agree on a name for a new road in the centre of the town.

The road will be the access for a block of new houses built by Maplecroft Developers.

The town council suggested the name Bryant Fields, because the land used to be fields belonging to the postmaster Mr Bryant.

But Maplecroft objected to the name because it insisted it implied the houses were built by Bryant Homes.

The town council said it would not back down and North Wiltshire District Council area committee called two emergency meetings to try and resolve the situation.

The developer suggested the name Market Yard but objectors said there had never been a market on the site.

At a planning meeting last week, the town council came up with the alternative name Hobs Walk.

The developer, which was to have gone ahead with Market Yard, put up no objection.

Corsham town clerk David Martin said: "There used to be a bicycle shop in the High Street run by Hobs and so the council decided this would be suitable.

"It is still historical and means something to the town."

The name now has to be run past Royal Mail to make sure it has no objection.