SECULAR ceremonies to mark the momentous events in people's lives are a sign of the times.

Fewer families and individuals, particularly young ones, now feel the need for a church marriage, baptism or funeral service.

But it would be wrong to ignore the importance of what the church can offer. At times of strong emotional need, or personal commitment, many people still feel the need to return to the faith they knew as children.

Unfortunately there seems to be a growing tendency for non-believers to scoff when they learn that their friends want to make their marriage vows before God and have their future blessed by someone wearing a dog collar instead of declaring that commitment to a registrar.

Everyone should have the freedom to make that choice, if that is what they want, without being made to feel they are living in the dark ages.

Hopefully the increasing popularity of secular weddings, child naming ceremonies and funerals will never diminish the traditional role of the church.