CHILDREN from around Trowbridge have been designing safe cycle helmets for a campaign to raise awareness of road safety.

Trowbridge Road Safety committee organised a contest for primary school children, with entries from 10 schools. Organiser Noel de Cunha said: "We were very impressed by the entries, a lot of thought had gone into them."

Youngsters included features such as front and rear lights and even an attached drinking bottle and straw so the wearer would not have to let go of the handle bars. The committee has been organising events for many years and members go into schools to try and make children aware of how to keep themselves safe on the roads.

The idea for the design a helmet competition came from their counterparts in Amesbury who have run a similar competition for many years.

Particularly well represented among the prize winners were children from Walwayne Court, The Grove and Broadmead primary schools.