IT came as no surprise that the obnoxious BNP gained several seats in the recent council elections.

It was however rather frightening to find out that their overall percentage of the vote went up quite considerably.

Frightening because it was not from hard and fast racists that they increased the vote, but from Mr and Mrs Average who voted BNP for the first time.

They did so because they found that none of the main parties listened to them and who can really blame them?

There are of course many reasons for this. First of all we read that the two latest suicide bombers were travelling on British passports.

Next we watch the television news and see Islamic militants standing outside polling stations and telling fellow Muslims not to vote as it was against Islam to do so. The police took no action.

Then we have people like Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamza preaching, both inside and outside of the mosque, their hatred of the Western world.

They have not been arrested under the terms of the Race Relations Act but you can be certain that if the boot had been on the other foot then arrests would have been made.

Finally and most importantly we read of the huge sums of money paid out on asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, both in cash and other benefits when little is given to the poor old senior citizens of this country.

We are told that from small acorns large oak trees grow and the same could happen with the BNP if drastic action is not taken.

The government should give a two fingered salute to organisations such as the European Court of Human Rights, Amnesty International and the Council of Civil Liberties. These organisations have proved time and time again that they are anti British. We should stop the entry of asylum seekers immediately and strictly control immigration allowing in only those who can be of use to the economy.

In this way, Mr and Mrs Average would find satisfaction, the recruiting ground for the BNP would be taken away and immigrants already in this country would be able to live an integrated, peaceful and industrious life.

As things are at present Enoch Powell must be turning in his grave. He was unjustly branded a racist when he made his 'Rivers of Blood' speech but unless we are very careful the birds could soon come home to roost.


Stratton St Margaret