HARRY Dodson, presenter of TV's The Victorian Garden, this week visited the Victorian garden at Rowdeford School, near Devizes, which dates back to 1889.

He was shown around by Mike Bowden, chairman of the Rowdeford Charity Trust, and Jeremy Addington, of Genus Plants, who have both been heavily involved in the restoration work being undertaken.

The Rowdeford Trust is raising funds to restore the garden with the aim of finding funding for an instructor gardener to give the pupils at Rowdeford School and other schools in the region, the chance of work experience in the walled garden.

Mr Dodson, 83, said: "When I walked into the garden I could imagine how it was in days gone by.

"It gives me so much joy to see the work being done. This will encourage the young to become interested in the work of a walled garden."