I WRITE in support of trainspotters. These people normally stand at the platform ends, well away from any position where they could interfere with the workings of the railway, are often better informed in matters of the timetable etc, than many staff and just wish to carry out their hobby of taking numbers and photographs of trains.

Collectively they pour millions into the coffers of the train operating companies and the numbers of troublemakers can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Their numbers include MPs, church leaders, television stars and many other powerful and influential people. The majority may not understand their hobby but then I don't understand why football fans should want to spend three hours on a freezing cold afternoon watching a match.

Yet trainspotters are the latest law abiding group to have to suffer for no good reason.

They, like some criminal on parole, have to report in on arrival at a station and when they leave, if they are allowed to stay at all.

Meanwhile, as anyone who arrives in Swindon by rail at night knows, we are insulted by drunks, bothered by beggars and subject to many types of undesirable.

The staff are overwhelmed and in any case, the station is now unmanned for over six hours each day.

Do something about them, not the spotters.


Okus Road