MoD volunteers were given paid time off work to start renovations on Neston Memorial Hall.

More than 35 staff from The Defence Communication Services Agency spent two days shovelling, hacking and hammering at the village hall as part of the first phase of the development.

The village hall committee is hoping to extend the building, install new facilities and supply it with solar power over the next three years. The MoD workers were given special paid leave to help with the project as part of the Prime Ministers' Challenge and the MoD extended the leave to three days.

"It helps the MOD to be seen in a good light in the local community," said hall committee chairman Stuart Little.

The workers spent the two days digging out old trees, putting up a new fence, widening the patio and creating a new dry stonewall entrance.

They also ripped out the old kitchen allowing contractors to get straight to work on the installation on Tuesday. The new kitchen will cost £9,500.