Michael Ancram in his column headlined 'National grid for water is good idea' (Gazette, August 14) displays a logical inconsistency and over simplifies a good idea, long overdue.

No doubt the Scots and the Welsh would find it strange that Wiltshire water must be returned from Swindon but their water may be retained in England. (Although that would be fair recompense for the Treasury's generous Barnett formulae).

The more serious Celtic point is that although statistically rainfall is high, irritatingly it does not fall in the right place or time to be collected easily. Generally, his argument also ignores the important role water plays in being absorbed by the countryside to feed farming, support natural habitat and act as a cleaning agent flushing the whole environment. Just look at the disastrous destruction of our water meadows and increased flooding.

Transferring water long distances can also adversely affect fish stocks and wildlife through temperature and chemical changes. Mixing water can even cause corrosion problems in pipes.

Actually we are short of canals in Wiltshire, one being the Wilts and Berks canal, the restoration of which has faced rather negative attitudes from local Conservatives. Last week we also heard that the canal network contains toxic and other waste, some of it lurking since the industrial revolution.

Technical issues should not deter us from a national grid but it requires a national effort. Last week we heard that the privatised water industry is looking to increase charges by ten per cent. In many districts British water services are owned by foreign companies. In north Wiltshire every time we flush the lavatory first 'Enron' in the USA and now Malaysian directors benefit financially.

It is time to reclaim public utilities for the nation. Yes, a national grid might be possible but I do not believe that Michael Ancram's Conservative Party has the policy or ideology to achieve this. He would be a pretty good county councillor but at Westminster his views are just too watery.

Philip Allnatt

Wiltshire County Councillor