Thank you for the excellent article published in the Gazette last Thursday.

During the past months Dr Williams and I have been deeply touched by the wonderful letters of support from the patients of Marshfield Road Surgery, which you have published, and for all the other very kind letters, cards and messages, which we received.

We should like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and to say how must we appreciate all their kindness. It has meant a huge amount to all of us at the surgery.

I note that in your article the members of the GP Co-operative say that they cannot work with Dr Williams for a "variety of reasons".

I understand that doctors should be accountable for their actions (as are nurses and members of most other professions).

The patients and the practice have a right to know what the "variety of reasons" may be.

It seems to me we may not be allowed to be told of them because of any of the the following:

l There are none

l The members of the Co-operative are so ashamed of the reasons that they are not prepared to share them

l They feel that what they have to say about us is so shaming that we must be spared this disgrace

If the last of these suggestions is true we feel that we have never knowingly given them a reason that we should mind them disclosing.

We are happy to give them permission to give any truthful reason as to why the practice and its patients should be excluded. Our patients are entitled to expect and receive equity of service from the NHS.

