A 25-year-old Melksham woman has lost a three-week battle for life after developing pneumonia.

Kelly Cousins was rushed to the Royal United Hospital, in Bath, with bronchial pneumonia but her condition deteriorated rapidly.

Parents Ken and Lorraine and brother Kevin were at Kelly's bedside after making the agonising decision to switch off her life support machine on Sunday.

Mrs and Mrs Cousins, who live in Forest Road, spoke of their daughter's sparkling personality and thirst for life, despite coping with mental and physical disabilities from birth.

Mrs Cousins, 51, who works in the Toyshop, praised doctors for their efforts to keep Kelly alive. "We had to make the decision to switch off the machine but we had a lot of people around her when she died," said Mrs Cousins.

"One of the consultants rang to tell us how devastated they were. The doctors and nurses did everything they could.

"She was just such a special, special young girl in her own right and we will miss her very much.

"We have have so many happy memories."

Kelly underwent countless operations as a child but never lost her ability to smile.

Told by doctors her daughter would never walk because of a curved foot condition, Mrs Cousins set out to prove the medics wrong.

"She was in and out of hospital a lot. The doctors said she would never walk but with my determination I got her walking when she was seven years old," she said.

Mrs Cousins said her daughter loved the family's regular holiday to Benidorm, swimming and riding on a specially adapted bike with her father made by students at The John of Gaunt School, Trowbridge.

Mr Cousins, 55, who works at the Avon Rubber factory, said: "Kelly gave a sparkle to everyone she met."

Kelly was on a Wiltshire County Council funded placement at the Middlefield Centre in Chippenham, helping to develop vital life skills.

Sandy Stevens, a centre instructor, said: "Everyone will miss her. She had a brilliant personality. "

Kelly's former respite carer, Tess Boydon, said: "She adored her family and they loved her. Kelly was always popular and fun, with a great sense of humour."

Kelly's funeral is being held at 10.30am today at West Wiltshire Crematorium.