WRESTLERS and puppets will help launch the first community fun day on one of the biggest estates in Trowbridge.

Flyers and posters have been pinned up and dropped through doors to encourage support for Longfield community fun day on Saturday.

Organisers hope the event will be self-funded and help boost the profile of Longfield Community Centre.

Dog shows, face painting and a car-boot sale are among the attractions designed to draw in the crowds, with entertainment provided by Starry Eyes.

Clare Draper, of Trowbridge Town Council, said the family fun day could become an annual event.

"We want to promote the centre and increase its use. It is an event for everyone and we are trying to build community spirit.

The event starts at 11am on Saturday and will run until 4pm. Car boot sale pitches have to be booked in advance, costing £3 for cars and £5 for vans.

Ring Miss Draper on (01225) 765072.