Speeding motorists are being urged to slow down by computerised road signs as part of a road safety scheme.

Swindon Council's traffic management and road safety group have bought two vehicle-activated signs that flash the speed limit at drivers who exceed a set threshold trigger.

The mobile signs were today in force in Swindon Road, Stratton - a 30mph road - but will be regularly moved to target different areas.

Speed limit enforcement and accident reduction are the main aims of using the signs.

A Transport Research Laboratory study showed that such signs are effective in reducing speeds and contributed to a substantial reduction in accidents.

Only drivers travelling at a speed regarded as unsuitable for the conditions activate the signs.

Since the signs are blank when not activated they are less visually intrusive than fixed signs.

The main objective of these signs is to alert drivers to a hazard or the posted speed limit, to encourage them to slow down.

Coun Ian Dobie (Con, Haydon Wick), lead member for transport, believes the signs will have a positive influence on driving habits in the town.

He said: "These sign will be a valuable tool for the council to tackle excess speeds and road accidents throughout the borough."

The traffic management review budget spent £12,000 to set up the vehicle-activated signs, which includes batteries and erection posts.