Referring to the recent article in the Wiltshire Times re car parking at Lovemead, we would like to add that this is a situation which any users of the car park could find themselves in.

Also, we would like to point out that we think our first letter to the West Wiltshire District Council contained enough information for them to realise that the machine was faulty and we had no intention of cheating the system for the sake of putting another 10p piece in the pay machine.

The second letter did not provide any fresh information but merely reiterated what was in our first letter.

West Wiltshire District Council has suggested that if one of its machines does not work we should try another and inform them of the fault immediately.

In our case, the machine proceeded to print out the ticket for the amount of £1.70.

We did receive a refund of our £15, after the intervention of the Wiltshire Times, but the money was not the main issue here it was a matter of principle. In fact, we would like to make it known that we have donated this sum to the Dorothy House Hospice.

A and J Brough,

St Mary's Close,

Hilperton Marsh,
