YOUNG heroes were rewarded for their dedication to the community on Thursday.

The Wiltshire Young People Awards, organised by the county council's youth development team honoured the hard work and achievements of young people across the county and those who help them.

Among the winners were Christopher Elliot, from Southwick, and Paul Harmsworth, from North Bradley, for their efforts helping to run a cub pack at Southwick and North Bradley Scout Group.

Mary Bartlett, 75, of Westbury, was honoured for 48 years service to the Guide movement and Marion Davies, of Trowbridge, was rewarded for 30 years dedicated work with Girl Guides.

Teenage sisters Gemma and Kayleigh Davies, of Corsham, won praise for helping disabled people at the 16-30 PHAB club, which they attend every week.

Kara Kauppinen, of Chippenham, was rewarded for helping with dance projects at the Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership and Jess Kelly, from Lyneham, for being a role model for Girl Guides.

Group awards went to Bradford Youth Forum and Westbury Youth Council.