STRONG community spirit has helped Westbury Junior School complete a major refurbishment and rebuilding scheme.

Teachers, parents, governors and staff from ASDA helped replace school toilets and create a new library and first aid room.

The finishing touches were put in place during half-term and town mayor Horace Prickett opened the new facilities on Friday.

Headteacher Richard Hatt said: "The community is showing pride in the school and this rubs off on the children.

"To complete all the renovation in only three months is a great sign to the kids and good effort by the community.

"We have more plans to develop the grass areas and refurbish the classrooms."

Volunteers demolished the old toilets in the summer holidays saving the school nearly £10,000.

A new library replaces the former headteacher's office after books used to be stored in a corridor.

Mr Hatt said: "The kids are showing such pride in the school they are going home and putting pressure on their parents to help"

Over 20 volunteers helped out with refurbishment and now pupils are beginning to redecorate the classrooms.