YOUTH power has helped secure new skateparks in Westbury and Edington, after months of fundraising activity by young people.

Teenagers in Edington celebrated on Thursday when developers moved in to build the £20,000 skatepark, which should be finished by the weekend.

The parish council gave the park its full backing when teen skaters Shane Newman, Lee Newman, Tom Calloway, Tom Dowlen and Michael Hiscock put forward a proposal in May.

John Bennett, skate park co-ordinator, said: "It's unbelievable how quickly people in the parish and the youngsters have raised the money for the skate park. It's taken just eight months from start to finish and a special thanks should go out to everyone."

Teenagers helped raise funds by selling souvenirs at the Edington Festival and holding a sponsored walk.

The £20,000 was raised thanks to donations from local businesses, councils, and sponsored events.

The target was reached earlier this month with cash from West Wiltshire District Council.

In Westbury the county council has agreed to lease land behind Westbury Youth Centre on Eden Vale Road to the town council for a skatepark, after pressure from youngsters and town councillors.

The project comes after community street workers approached young people earlier this year, asking them what the town could provide for teenagers.

The park will be rented to Westbury Town Council for 20 years. Youth development worker Amanda Mongey said: "Through our work with street workers much of the feedback from the youngsters was they wanted a skatepark.

"An enormous thanks should go to the town council for helping out with funds and consultation and it's excellent that the youngsters can now see that the community is doing something for them."

The Edington skatepark will officially open at a party on December 6 and plans for the Westbury site will be finalised once a noise survey has been completed next week.