A WINTERBOURNE pre-school has received a glowing report from Ofsted.

Winterbourne Fox Cubs Pre-School and Creche, based at the Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls, has been praised for the quality of care it provides and its warm and friendly environment.

The pre-school was deemed 'good' in 12 of the 14 categories outlining national standards for under-eights day care and 'satisfactory' in two of the remaining categories.

Staff were seen as "committed to ongoing training and development", having put all regulatory procedures in place for the 27 youngsters on the roll.

They were also praised for their effective use of toys and equipment, for children's individual needs being met, and for having a sensitive approach to the welfare of all children, with good support for youngsters with special needs.

Fox Cubs committee chairman Georgina Cooper said: "We are delighted with the outcome of this inspection, which recognises the really hard work, care and professionalism of supervisor Lorraine Withers and her team."

The report was enthusiastic about the children's creative development, stating that youngsters had "many opportunities to learn through their senses".

Staff relationships with parents were praised, along with the school's overall leadership and management.

Targets for improvement focused on the need to develop long-term planning, recording what children do and using multicultural resources more effectively.