THE Bluebell Nursery at Lockeridge has sailed through an Ofsted inspection and emerged with a largely glowing report.

Currently 19 children from three to five attend and the nursery is equipped to deal with children who have special needs.

In her report following an inspection Ofsted inspector Rachel Edwards said: "Children's personal, social and emotional development is excellent. They are confident, interested and able to work on their own. Behaviour is exemplary.

"The children's progress in communication, language and literacy is very good. Staff listen attentively to the children and engage them in conversation. As a result the children speak fluently and confidently.

"Children are encouraged to observe, explore and investigate using all their senses. Staff use open-ended questions that encourage children to think and seek explanations."

The inspector found there was room for improvement in information given to parents about each area of learning, in the use of role play to help children develop their imagination and in the provision of sufficiently challenging play equipment.

In her summary the inspector gave generally good comments with very good for the children's personal, social and emotional development and communication, language and literacy.

Nursery chairman Jane Stead said: "The report is a fantastic achievement and an excellent reflection of the growing reputation of the nursery.