MORE than 40 young bug spotters combed the grounds of a Westbury primary school last week for a rare collection of creepy crawlies.

Children at Kingfisher Pre-school joined the bug hunt to raise £78 towards a new mobile classroom.

Committee member Jess Brisdon made the cardboard bugs, which ranged from ladybirds to spiders.

The bug hunt was just one of a series of events to raise the £13,000 it needs for its new home.

The group must transfer to a new site at Bitham Brook Primary School next summer and its existing classroom is too old to survive the move.

Spokesman Denise Williams said: "Each child paid £1 to take part and we also had a raffle with prizes donated by Woolworths, Coopers, Co-op, Asda and Tesco. All the children from the pre-school came along plus a few siblings as well.

"We've got a bit of a hill in the grounds at Bitham Brook and we hid the bugs around there. Jess did so well with them, but we also added in a few arrows to help the children find them. They all got a pack of mini eggs at the end."

Anyone wishing to donate money or raffle gifts for the appeal should contact Miss Williams on (01373) 822972.