A VOLUNTEER group has voted to continue managing the Seven Fields Nature reserve

Last autumn, the Seven Fields Conservation Group was on the brink of disbanding following a row with Swindon Council.

The conservationists claimed the council was not honouring its commitments to the 100-acre reserve in Penhill.

The volunteers were left fuming after the council failed to remove poisonous ragwort before it flowered.

This meant hay gathered from the site was worthless because it was contaminated with seeds.

But now, changes have been made to the council's draft management plan for the site to ensure the mistake is not repeated.

The plan has been put out for consultation among conservation groups including English Nature and the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.

And at a recent meeting, the group decided to keep going.

Bill King, chairman of the group, said: "We were getting to an impasse, but things are now moving forward.

"The council will use an organic weedkiller to get rid of the ragwort, which won't harm other wildlife.

"It has also brought a hay forager, which will mean the hay can be removed more efficiently."

The reserve is home to woodpeckers, chaffinches, bullfinches and blackbirds.

Badgers and even deer have also been seen there.