CRIME victims in Wiltshire are to get more support under a renewed agreement between the police and a charity.

Victim Support Wiltshire and the county's police force have renewed their joint service level agreement to build on the service offered to victims of personal crime.

Stephen Long, Deputy Chief Constable for Wiltshire, said: "Being a victim of crime can be a traumatic experience. Victim Support Wiltshire has developed tremendous skills and practical measures to help victims overcome these experiences.

"Over the years their professionalism and specialist capability has increased and Wiltshire Constabulary takes great satisfaction from being able to support such a valued service.

"The service level agreement sets out in a formal way our commitment to Victim Support Wiltshire and reflects our long standing partnership with a high quality service to the public."

Victim Support is an independent charity that supports victims of personal crime, whether or not the crime is reported to the police.

Its volunteers undergo specialist training to help people affected by sexual or domestic violence or who are bereaved through murder.