MORE than 100 women priests from Wiltshire and Dorset will attend a special service in Salisbury Cathedral this month, to celebrate ten years of women's ministry as priests in the Church of England.

The Rev Vanda Rowe, team vicar of Pewsey, said: "There was a time when the presence of a female priest behind the altar was something of a novelty, but nowadays women and men are carrying out valuable ministries in parishes, prisons, hospitals and schools. We want to recognise and celebrate their achievements, as well as look ahead to the continuing success and growth of women's ministry in the Church of England."

The service, which is open to everyone, will take place on Friday June 11 at 2pm and will be followed by a "bring your own" picnic in the Cathedral Close. Those ordained in Salisbury ten years ago who have since moved on or retired have been invited to return to the Diocese for the celebrations, at which Canon Christine Farrington, who was among the first women to be ordained in 1994, will preach .

Leading the service will be the Very Reverend June Osborne, recently installed as Dean of Salisbury the first woman to hold the post.