HUNDREDS of troops from Warminster barracks are being sent back to Iraq, just months after returning home from war.

The Black Watch has been the training regiment at The Land Warfare Centre since March. Last year they were instrumental in the capture of Basra.

By next week its soldiers will be in the volatile town of Al Amarah as part of the government's move to strengthen troop numbers ahead of the transfer of power to the Iraqis at the end of the month.

The regiment was sent to Warminster for training and recuperation after serving during the Iraqi conflict and was expected to stay in the town for two years.

Now troops will serve in war-torn Iraq for six months, leaving family and friends back in Warminster.

CO Lt Col James Cowan said: "The Black Watch has a long and distinguished history of service to the Crown.

"The regiment has always been ready and eager to do its duty in whatever capacity is required. It has considerable recent operational experience of Iraq.

"After a sufficient period away from operational commitments the 1st Battalion is well placed to return to Iraq and carry out whatever tasks we may be set.

"We are preparing hard for the challenges ahead in the best traditions of the regiment."

The Black Watch will join 8,500 British soldiers as part of Operation Telic. The deployment of the Black Watch, together with 170 Royal Engineers, will increase the numbers by 350 after other units have returned to the UK. The 600 Black Watch soldiers will all be in Iraq by August.

West Wiltshire MP Dr Andrew Murrison served as an army medic in Iraq last year but opposed the decision to send troops into Iraq at the start of the war. He said: "The government has got us into a difficult situation without thinking through the consequences. What is not achievable is having troops in Iraq who are inadequately supported.

"Having made the commitment to sort out the mess we have created we need to ensure we have adequate troops to do the job. This government has decided to embark on all sorts of foreign involvement and Black Watch have had a very short time back in England for training and recuperation."