28357/2HUNDREDS of people enjoyed the sunshine at a church fete in Southwick. Over £1,000 was raised at the event to be divided between children's cancer charity CLIC and St Thomas' Church.

Organiser Rod Lane said: "We wanted to raise money for a big national charity and to give something back to the village."

There was plenty going on at the fete to entertain people, including a bouncy castle, go-karts and games as well as a huge range of stalls, raffles and tombolas.

St Thomas' church celebrates its centenary this year.

Mr Lane said: "We are trying to build on the social side of the church to prop up the spiritual side."

There will be another event this weekend when Punch and Judy expert John Girvan will entertain villagers with a talk on the history of Punch and Judy helped with examples of puppets from different eras.

The event will be held at the church from 2.30pm tomorrow.