THE Advertiser has come up trumps yet again.

I have found and contacted several of my old school chums, from Westcott Secondary Modern School including Kipper Hewlett, Ritchie Brown, and Don Brown.

I got a dubious reply about Susan Fluck, Diana's Dors' sister. There is great interest in the legend of Diana but we were old school chums, my father was a great pal of their family and we all respect their privacy.

It is also interesting to note that, at the time, all my mates knew a young Piper, who every one knows as Billie's dad.

We all used to stand at the Town End and marvel at Ernie Hunt, Buzzer Summerbee and the great Bobby Woodruffe, not forgetting the legend Don Rogers George Best eat your heart out.

God bless all of my mates in Swindon

