Mike Shawyer, Ian Lloyd, Kate Crawford, Barrie Giffard Taylor, Mark Snelus of MonahansA FIRM of chartered accountants says it hopes a merger will put it on track to become one of the leading firms in the county.

Monahans, which has an office in Newport Street, Swindon, as well as bases in Chippenham, Trowbridge and Glastonbury, has announced an agreement to merge with Giffard Taylor and Co.

Giffard Taylor, which was established in Chippenham in 1986, will make the Monahans team in Chippenham double in size.

Monahans senior partner Mark Snelus said: "This development will help Monahans establish itself as a leading provider of business and financial services in the region, which we feel is vital to ensure the long term success of the organisation. We are very excited by the opportunities this merger opens up."