GAZETTE & HERALD: Yatesbury village hall management committee is a fifth of the way towards extending the village hall to include toilets for the first time and to create better access for the disabled.

The village hall project got off the ground earlier this year when local company Co-ag donated £1,000. Since then the villagers have raised an extra £3,000 towards their £20,000 target.

Management committee chairman Geoffrey Jaques said it has applied to North Wiltshire District Council and the National Lottery for funds.

He said: "It's a small number of people putting their backs into it but there's a limit to what a small community like Yatesbury can do."

Mr Jaques said it is embarrassing not having toilet facilities and hopes once the project is completed more groups will be able to use the hall.

"It's fine for a short meeting but for other functions and children's parties it's quite embarrassing."