Michael Howard in his speech to the Conservative Party conference said, and I quote.

"Three weeks ago, on a Saturday night I went out on the streets of Brixton. I saw the problem their community is up against. In two hours we didn't meet a single policeman. Not one. This was inner city London on a Saturday night. No wonder the police have become distant and remote."

Of course, Michael Howard dissembles.

The police in Brixton are angry. The community in Brixton is angry and the Community Consultative Group which links police and people together has written a furious letter of complaint to Michael Howard.

The reasons they are angry?

Brixton has been enjoying one of the largest drops of crime in London.

In the last year , robbery is down by 22 per cent, burglary is down by 17 per cent, car crime by 22 per cent and gun crime by 24 per cent.

In fact, 2000 fewer crimes this year.

In his speech Michael Howard stressed "trust and accountability".

So, Mr Howard, if you want us to trust you try being a bit more honest.

E Mandel


Malmesbury Labour Party