THE Advertiser, September 22, published one of the best photographs of Swindon for some time.

In a few square inches it showed a patchwork of an old English field system, mile upon mile of ancient hedgerow, which will have been cut and laid by hand by generations of Wiltshire folk.

Coun Benfield, Adver-tiser, September 24, missed the point about Coate. Or did he? As we all know the developers do not plan to build on Coate Water, it's far too wet.

They do intend to build up to the fence at Coate Water, that is clearly marked on their plans.

The actions of bulldozers and diggers will destroy an ancient ecosystem, part of Swindon's soul.

Like Coun Benfield, no animal is an island; we all need space to survive, live and grow. The destruction of the flora and fauna by the developer will destroy this fragile balance and change Coate Water forever.

In the quest to develop we actually destroy more than the hedgerows, pastures and ploughed fields.

These fields, created by Swindon people and history, will be destroyed. For what? For money!

This is the simple aspect of the proposed plan that is lost on townies who know only concrete, Tarmac and a town park.

Swindon has ample building land for housing before we destroy Coate Water.

The university has two very large empty fields behind its existing building on Marlowe Avenue.

It does not need the land at Coate.

Don't allow the ecosystem at Coate to be destroyed. There is much more than money at stake.

