I use Swindon buses every day and believe that we have a superb service in this town.

I cannot remember the last time a bus failed to turn up. I also believe that the drivers do an excellent job.

I was interested to read the two "bus dramas" in the Evening Advertiser, in particular the article that describes how school kids were "thrown off" a bus.

I have the misfortune of catching a number 21 service heading eastwards at least four times a month, at the exact time when all the schools are emptying.

For many passengers already on the bus, the influx of a mob of youngsters can be a frightening experience.

I have seen the faces of pensioners horrified at what is happening before them.

I witnessed a very old lady waving her walking stick at one crowd of youngsters, disgusted at their language. The language is appalling from both sexes.

Things are chucked around the bus that takes the form of a cattle truck while these angels are on board.

It's not only St Joseph's, it's all schools on that particular route. But matters usually take a dive for the worse at St Joseph's.

They just take over and you just have to sit there and say nothing because the abuse you get back is appalling.

I don't know the reason for the trouble in the particular case described in the article . . . perhaps the member of the public complained of the disgusting language with the usual, full range of expletives. Who knows?

But the drivers have to put up with this twice a day.

Why should they have to take this? Their patience is to be admired. It's not a job I would want at any hourly rate.

M Squires

Nythe, Swindon