FOSSILS of reptiles and fish found in Westbury will be on display for four months from Tuesday. The exhibition of fossils, collected by Simon Carpenter, runs until July 2 at Frome Museum.

Mr Carpenter's collection is the result of 12 years work in Westbury and includes rare bones of sea reptiles, popularly referred to as sea dragons.

In 1996 he found a giant marine reptile called a pliosaur at the Westbury Cement Works. These provide evidence that much of southern England was covered by a sea during the Jurassic Period, 150 million years ago.

Mr Carpenter said: "My most important discovery (at the cement works) was of a 10 metre long pliosaur, a reptile resembling a very large crocodile.

"This now resides at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, although parts of it will be displayed at Frome Museum."