BUDDING musicians will get the chance to turn village stories into an opera thanks to a collaboration of Wiltshire art projects.

Schoolchildren and residents from Codford will flex their artistic muscles in composing their own mini opera, over the next five months.

The musicians will sing about village life with help from composer Barry Russell from Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

When they have created their masterpiece they will perform at the Salisbury Arts Centre as part of the Salisbury International Arts Festival.

They will also sing at the Wiltshire Music Centre as part of Corsham Festival.

The four district councils, Wiltshire County Council, and arts organisations across the county have organised the event.

"Anyone living in the village can get involved in Big Ideas Mini Operas," said Alexandra Tomkinson from the Wiltshire Music Centre.

"It is all about local people getting together and creating their very own music and stories about their communities.

"To take part, all you need are big ideas."