MOTORISTS travelling to and from Swindon are expected to suffer as major work begins on a stretch of the M4 today.

Drivers will be fined for exceeding 40mph on part of the M4 near junction 18 at Bath during ten months of roadworks.

Drivers will also be faced with a contraflow system during work to widen the carriageway for slow-moving traffic.

The restriction is lower than the normal 50mph imposed at roadworks, and has been recommended in an order from the Department of Transport to protect road users and workers.

Yellow-painted speed cameras will be set up between junctions 18 and 19 to crack down on errant drivers.

Drivers who exceed the 40mph limit will face a £60 fine with three penalty points on their licence.

The road improvements involve the closure of the eastbound carriageway of the motorway between the two junctions, with a contraflow system on the westbound carriageway.

There will also be occasional closures of junction 18 during the work, which should be completed in January 2006.