Swindon's very own Mr Motivator Darren Grace is off sunning himself in Thailand, so his colleagues at the Swindon Marriott Leisure Club, Tim O'Mahoney and Jules Beckett, are stepping in to keep you fit and active this week.

We're going to give you an all over body blitz to really warm you up in this freezing weather.

Let's start with 20 snappy star jumps to wake those muscles up. Keep moving and make the star shape with your arms and legs as big as


Now it's straight into some press-ups to help tone the chest and shoulders.

To perform the press up, make sure your hands are shoulder width apart, and keep your body straight.

Lower yourself until your nose touches the floor, push yourself up to the starting position. Try repeating this five to 10 times, depending on your body strength.

If you find it a little difficult lying straight, try the same action from a kneeling position.

Now 10 more star jumps to keep the heart pumping.

To work the lower body, we move straight into squats. This is a great exercise to work the legs, especially your thighs and bottom. Feet start shoulder width apart, and keep looking straight ahead.

Lower yourself down until you have a right angle bend in the knees. Keep the tummy tucked in and that will work the stomach area too. Try for 10 then back to those brilliant star jumps 10 more please.

Now it's time to hit the stomach with crunches. Lie on your back with your knees bent.

Make sure you keep your feet flat on the floor, place your hands across your chest, then curl your shoulder blades up towards your knees.

Remember to keep the small of your back pressed into the floor.

Try for 10. Then, yes you guessed it, 10 more star jumps.

We need to finish off with your back, so lie down facing the floor. Place your hands on the side of your head, and look to raise your upper body up off the floor.

You should feel this in

your lower back. Lower yourself back down in a smooth, controlled motion.

Repeat five to 10 times, depending on how tired you feel.

If you're not warm now, try the circuit again.